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The Method - Move In Mind and Movement Rehabilitation


"According to the laws of aerodynamics, the bumblebee can't fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know anything about the laws of aerodynamics, so it goes ahead and flies anyway."

Igor Sirkosky

After a brain or a spinal cord injury, as well as in other kinds of injuries involving the musculoskeletal system, at the end of the rehabilitation program provided by health care services many people come back home thinking they cannot achieve any further improvement. 

Actually, recent researches and studies show us that our nervous system has much more plasticity than we supposed before.

Working with Claudio.jpg

The brain and all the nervous system are a universe unfolding itself to the scientific world, and so does the fascia, the amazing tissue that connects every element in our body. These findings give us more and more suggestions about new type of interventions aimed to promote the recovery process and to re-integrate abilities that seemed lost.



Move In Mind is a method aiming to develop the most functional way to activate proprioceptive, interoceptive and motor neural networks. It aims to promote neuroplasticity and the achievement of new skills perception and coordination-related through the use of specific sensory-motor imagery applied to movement.​

Here some facts and hypothesis underlying the effectiveness of this approach:

  • the motor and coordinative act occur in the brain before than in the body;

  • when we imagine a movement, a part of our brain "fires" (works) as well as if we were really doing that movement;

  • by activating neural networks through the use of specific motor imagery, the brain can learn or re-learn movements, creating new circuits and connections;

  • when we observe a movement being performed, some specific neurons (so called "mirror neurons" or "mirror system") "participate" as if we were doing that movement;

  • we can recruit and engage the "tonic" muscle fibres (the tireless fibres designed to support our body weight, which respond to environmental stimuli and spatial directions) by using appropriate words in order to create specific mental images triggering sensory-motor functions.

Therefore Move In Mind can be a precious tool supporting both people undergoing rehabilitation processes and professionals working in the healthcare and rehabilitation field (physical therapists, occupational therapists, physicians, nurses, psychologists, practitioners in complementary and alternative medicine and rehabilitation techniques, etc.), and for all the bodyworkers who want to integrate sensory-motor imagery in their practice, in order to support their patients and clients in their recovery process. 


A TV interview I gave in 2012 during a one-week training course addressed to Certified Rolfers in Italy.

The course was about integrating the sensory-motor imagery training (which later was named "Move In Mind") in Rolfing Structural Integration sessions.

The beginnings of Move In Mind.

Rolfing® Structural Integration combined with the specific sensory-motor imagery training which later I named "Move In Mind", applied to a case of quadriplegia 15 years after the injury occurred to Claudio B. (spinal cord severed between C6-C7).

Move In Mind Training workshop at Dr. Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO (USA), 14-16 June 2013. 
The workshop was dedicated to Michael Mathieu, Certified Rolfer who in August 2012 suffered from a spinal cord injury (C5). Michael came to the workshop with his partner, Beth. Here you can see me supporting Beth and Michael finding a way to dance together again (before the injury they used to practice Contact Improvisation, a form of dance in which the points of physical contact provide the starting point for exploration through movement).  

If you are interested in integrating the Move In Mind™ Method in your practice, look at the CERTIFICATION PROGRAM.


​Finally the Move In Mind Method is available through an Online Course and a Certification Program. 

​Since 2019 Move In Mind has become part of the Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration (MMASI) Certification Programs and named Morales Method® Move In Mind™.

The Online Course is also the prerequisite to accessing the Training to become a Morales Method® Move In Mind™ Certified Practitioner and Instructor. 


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